
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

SOAP Devotion: Isaiah 25


This morning, I woke up with a song in my head…well, part of one anyway. The lyrics went “Oh death/where is your sting?” I knew that was from a verse in the Bible, so that was where I decided to read today…only reading 1 Corinthians 15 was like reading Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice…dry and not exciting in the least. God!! Your word is alive, so why does this seem so dead? I read it again…all 58 verses…and again…and this time, it occurred to me that perhaps I was reading the wrong passage. It makes reference to a verse in the Old Testament – Isaiah 25:8 – so off to Isaiah 25 I went, and it was like jumping into a sparkling pool on a hot summer’s day…refreshing and vibrant!

Today’s Reading is Isaiah 25

Scripture:  He will swallow up death forever. Adonai ELOHIM will wipe away the tears from every face, and he will remove from all the earth the disgrace his people suffer. For ADONAI has spoken. Isaiah 25:8

Observation:  Adonai ELOHIM is my defender, my protector, my comforter, my provider…He vindicates, He lavishly pours out grace and blessings. And one day soon, death will be put in its place.

ApplicationIt was hard to just choose one verse to focus on this time. Sometimes, a verse will just “pop out” to me as I read…almost like the Holy Spirit grabs ahold of me and gives me a little shake…or a big one, depending on what circumstances are whirling around in my life at the time. This whole passage spoke to me about how my Abba Father is always there to defend me, to protect me, to destroy my enemies and vindicate me. He also comforts me and lavishes His grace and mercy on me. And the promise to hold on to here is that one day, death will be “swallowed up”…there will be no more death, no more tears, no more disgrace for His people.

As I face difficult situations…difficult people…and difficulties in general, I know that He is always there with me…a strong tower to run to in time of need. A strong pair of arms to hold me and comfort me. And gentle, loving hands that extravagantly place before me a feast of rich food and wine – His word, His Spirit – to nourish and bless me.

PrayerDaddy, thank You for always being there when I need You…and even when I think I don’t. I’m so glad You’ve got my back! You know what lies ahead for me, what difficulties I will face each coming day, and You’ve already prepared all that I will need to get through each situation. I long for the day when death will be swallowed up forever, for the day when disgrace is not a word in my vocabulary or anyone else’s, because you have restored honor and dignity. Help me to grab hold of all You’ve laid out on Your beautiful banquet table for me today.

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