
Monday, October 18, 2010


You're probably familiar with Dayspring products, such as their cards and gifts, but did you know they produce DVDs too? I recently got the chance to review their Really Woolly Kids DVD, Trusting in the Shepherd.

Geared for kids aged 3-8, it features two engaging stories that teach children about trusting in Jesus, our Shepherd, through the adventures of the gang at Woollyville, including Gracie, Jacob, and Grandma Tabitha.

In the first episode, Gracie learns to trust the Shepherd while on a Ewe Scout campout in the dark, scary woods. The second episode is where Jacob learns to trust the Shepherd while dealing with a "bully" at school. Both episodes are wonderful illustrations of Psalm 23:4, easily understandable by children:

Psalm 23:4 (New Living Translation)

 4 Even when I walk
      through the darkest valley,[a]
   I will not be afraid,
      for you are close beside me.
   Your rod and your staff
      protect and comfort me.

I judge a kid's DVD by two criteria....what does it teach my child, and does it capture and engage my child's attention?  I like the message of Trusting in the Shepherd, fear is not an easy subject to broach with very young children. And I particularly liked that my almost-three-year-old was enthralled with it. I'm talking sitting still for both episodes. That is on the order of a Miracle of Truly Biblical Proportions. Akin to the Parting of the Red Sea, in my book.

And then there is a catchy song..."The Fear Not Song"...I find myself humming and singing it throughout the day and the kids will join in. I think it will even help me to fear not, as well! I also have to mention the great price, too...just $9.99.

I give this DVD a definite thumbs up! Be sure to visit the Really Woolly Kids website and their Facebook page too!

And now...I'm so excited to be able to do a GIVEAWAY on my blog! Since I generously received two copies of this great DVD, I have one to give away to one lucky reader. I hate complicated giveaways, so I'll make this really simple. You can earn two entries by doing the following:

  • Follow my blog. If you already follow me, great! Just leave a comment saying so. If you're just joining, thanks!! Let me know that, too.
  • And, a bonus entry for every friend of yours who follows my blog (and they can enter too, of course!), just tell them to leave a comment telling me who kindly sent them my way.
My birthday is in November, and to celebrate, I decided to extend the time to sign up for this giveaway so I can give this DVD to someone in November!

I'll be choosing the winner on MONDAY, OCTOBER 25 NOVEMBER 1, 2010.  Good luck!

"Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR,  Part 255: "Guidelines concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


  1. this looks so cute!!! I follow your blog faithfully!!!

  2. Sounds great! I like your blog! :)

  3. My kids would love this! I am a new follower.

  4. Pick me!!!! I always read your blog & my children would LOVE this DVD. =)Sharena


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate that you took the time to read my blog and leave a comment! And as much as I hate to do it, I had to not allow Anonymous users to comment anymore...and turn on that annoying word verification. Too much spam Sorry!