
Monday, August 30, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook for August 30, 2010

FOR TODAY, August 30, 2010

Outside my window...there is lots of sun
I am thinking...the wrong thoughts and trying to correct that
I am thankful for...tomatoes in my back yard
From the learning rooms...I am putting together our Homeschool Planner for the year and gearing up for the start of school in a couple of weeks
From the kitchen...the kitchen today will be transformed into a "pet spa" for my dd's stuffed animals, which will keep dd and ds busy for a long time so I can get some housework done
I am husband's robe
I am creating...a personalized Homeschool Planner...lots of fun!
I am going...nowhere until the housework is done and the weather cools down
I am reading...a stack of books: Conflict Free Living, A Mom Just Like You, Nurse Matilda (read-aloud to kids), All the Way Home
I am someday be the kind of wife and mother that I long to be
I am hearing...toddler wanting to go potty, big sister locking the bathroom door, tinkling of dog tags...
Around the house...are plenty of opportunities to practice the fine art of homemaking
One of my favorite when my toddler sleeps longer than I do, so I can have a bit of quality time with Abba Father before starting my day. I treasure these moments, for they are as rare as unicorns
A few plans for the rest of the week:  get the house cleaned before the in-laws get here, then enjoy the visit with them!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
 My dd and one of our gorgeous, whopper, heirloom tomatoes.

Join in The Simple Woman's Daybook by clicking on the logo above this entry.

Friday, August 27, 2010

How to Extinguish a Pepper Fire

My friend Heather asked me to do another guest post for her blog. I realized I was suffering from a pretty significant case of "writer's block" as I tried to come up with ideas for something to blog about. It's been weeks...most of the summer, actually, since I've had any inspiration to write anything...or do anything, for that matter (oh thank you, Mitch Daniels and your Dumb Stupid Time...). I thought about writing something deep and meaningful, something poignant, something spiritually profound. Looked for examples in my every day life (life with a toddler is just fraught with potential blog posts, really...), but nothing really inspired me. Nothing, that is, until I decided to can some banana peppers without wearing the PPO...proper protective equipment.

Come on over to A Titus 2 Woman and learn how to find relief from hot pepper burns the easy way (I've done the hard part for you, isn't that nice of me?)!